Saskya Sky

I just want the world to know who I am
South Florida native Sasky Sky was born and raised in Haiti. Her single “Touch Me” won her 1st place on Black Planet’s Jan 2010 One Minute to Shine contest. Saskya describes her music as fun, youthful, and also signifying her deep thoughts and feelings. By writing all of her music she relates to each one in some way, shape, or form. This makes her music reflect who she is. Her family migrated to the United States in 2003. Upon arriving she began to explore music as a way to help with her English. Her love for Michael Jackson & Celene Dion assisted her with english and singing.
It is Saskya’s hope that her music will provide a new means for her to give back to her native country Haiti. Saskya has plans to perform on bigger stages and grab a Grammy on the journey. She believes that, with God on her side, anything is possible for her to achieve and make her dreams come true. “I just want the world to know who I am and that Haitian’s are strong and talented people.